Live Now!
by "Stoney" Stone
Affirmation Cards
by Susan Howson
"LIVE NOW" Polo Shirts
Signature Sleeve
Donations to the :
"Live Now Wish Foundation"
Thank you and know that all contriubutions make a difference.
$25.00 Donation
$50.00 Donation
$100.00 Donation
Filipino Combat Systems
by: Mark E. Cody
and Ray Dionaldo
Photo of the book to follow
Audio CD available
"Journey to the Top"
Book- $19.95
CD - $24.95
Both - $34.95
"LIVE NOW" T Shirts
Imagine the Possibilities...
Available in :
XXL-additional $5.00
to purchase a shirt for size availablity
How to Coach a Fish
by: A.J. Puedan
and Shelly Herzog
"Ghost in the Machine"
In Concert at Lake Eola, Florida
Disney Ampitheatre
Tickets to :
"Journey to the Top" Event
Music Ranch
Lakeland, Florida
August 4, 2007
$45.00 in advance
$50.00 at the door